Here we show the four main prize winners with examples and the jury statements.

Newspapers from 22 countries took part in the 26th European Newspaper Award. There were more than 3,000 entries in the 20 categories of the competition. This makes it one of the largest newspaper design competitions in the world.

Newspapers from most European countries also took part in the 26th European Newspaper Award. There was a slight decline in the print categories. There was a slight increase in the online categories: 407 projects were submitted compared to 393 in the previous year.

The jury of the 26th European Newspaper Award
The 13 jury members came from eight countries: Austria, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland and Germany. They are journalists, scientists and designers.


26. European Newspaper Award: Hauptpreisträger aus Portugal, Spanien, den Niederlanden und Deutschland.
Am 26. European Newspaper Award nahmen Zeitungen aus 22 Ländern teil. In den 20 Kategorien des Wettbewerbs gab es mehr als 3.000 Einreichungen.

Große Zahl von Einreichungen in Print und Online.
Auch beim 26. European Newspaper Award haben sich Zeitungen aus den meisten europäischen Ländern beteiligt. Es gibt einen leichten Rückgang bei den Print-Kategorien und eine leichte Zunahme bei Online-Kategorien 407 Online-Projekte. Der Jury wurden 407 Online-Projekte vorgelegt. Im Vorjahr waren es 393.

13 Jury-Mitglieder aus acht Ländern.
Die Jury traf sich zur zweitägigen Jurierung in Düsseldorf. Die Mitglieder kamen aus Finnland, Dänemark, Schweden, den Niederlanden, Schweiz, Portugal, Österreich und Deutschland. Sie sind Art Directoren, Journalisten und Wissenschaftler.

Neben den Awards of Excellence gibt es vier Hauptpreise. Der European Newspaper Award wird von jeher in die Kategorien Lokalzeitung, Regionalzeitung, überregionale Zeitung und Wochenzeitung gegliedert, weil diese vier Zeitungstypen unterschiedliche Ressourcen und Zielgruppen haben. Dabei geht es auch um die Zeitungs-Auflage, die bei Lokalzeitungen eher niedrig und bei überregionalen eher hoch ist.

European Newspaper of the Year,
Kategorie Lokalzeitung
JM Madeira, Portugal

European Newspaper of the Year,
Kategorie Regionalzeitung
el Periódico, Spanien

European Newspaper of the Year,
Kategorie überregionale Zeitung
Trouw, Niederlande

European Newspaper of the Year,
Kategorie Wochenzeitung
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Deutschland

Der größte Zeitungswettbewerb Europas
Der European Newspaper Award wird von dem Zeitungsdesigner Norbert Küpper ausgerichtet. Er gilt als der größte Zeitungswettbewerb in Europa und findet nun zum 26. Mal statt. Ziel ist es, internationale Zeitungstrends in Print und Online aufzuzeigen und den Austausch kreativer Ideen in Europa zu fördern.

Preisverleihung und Kongress in Wien
Die Preisverleihung findet im Rahmen eines Kongresses in Wien statt. Der Kongress wird am 23. und 24. Juni 2025 im Palais Niederösterreich stattfinden.

Norbert Küpper
Gutenbergstr. 4
40670 Meerbusch
Telefon +49 2159 911615

Press release

26th European Newspaper Award: main prize winners from Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany.
Newspapers from 22 countries took part in the 26th European Newspaper Award. In the 20 categories of the competition there were more than 3,000 entries. This makes it one of the largest newspaper design competitions in the world.

Large number of submissions in print and online.
The 26th European Newspaper Award also attracted entries from newspapers from most European countries took part. There was a slight decrease in the print categories and a slight increase in online categories. 407 online projects. 07 online projects were submitted to the jury. Last year there were 393.

13 jury members from eight countries.
The jury met in Düsseldorf for two days of judging. The members came from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, Austria and Germany. They are art directors, journalists and scientists.

Main awards
In addition to the Awards of Excellence, there are four main prizes. The European Newspaper Award has always been divided into the categories local newspaper, regional newspaper, national newspaper and weekly newspaper, because these four types of newspaper have different resources and target groups. It is also a question of newspaper circulation, which tends to be low for local newspapers and high for national newspapers.

European Newspaper of the Year,
Category Local Newspaper
JM Madeira, Portugal

European Newspaper of the Year,
Category Regional Newspaper
el Periódico, Spain

European Newspaper of the Year,
Category Nationwide Newspaper
Trouw, The Netherlands

European Newspaper of the Year,
Category Weekly Newspaper
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Germany

Europe’s biggest newspaper competition
The European Newspaper Award is organised by newspaper designer Norbert Küpper. It is considered the largest newspaper competition in Europe and is now taking place for the 26th time. The aim is to showcase international newspaper trends in print and online and to promote the exchange of creative ideas in Europe.

Award ceremony and congress in Vienna
The award ceremony will take place during a congress in Vienna. The congress will be held at Palais Niederösterreich on 23 and 24 June 2025.

Norbert Küpper
Gutenbergstr. 4
40670 Meerbusch
Phone +49 2159 911615

European Newspaper of the Year, Category Local Newspaper: JM Madeira, Portugal

Jury statement
JM Madeira impresses with the variety of design ideas on the front page. The editorial team always endeavours to present the topic of the day clearly and visually. Photos, graphics and illustrations are used. The front page becomes a poster.

The inside pages are characterised by their clear and reduced layout. In addition to reports from the region, there is the classic division into sections such as business, opinion, culture, national and world. One highlight is the sports section, which is given the last page of the newspaper as the front page.

The design is played out consistently through colour and typography in print and digital. Readers recognise their media company immediately, regardless of which channel they use to receive information.

JM Madeira: A local newspaper with a clear and concise design in print and online.

About the newspaper
JM Madeira is a local daily newspaper published in Funchal, Madeira. The newspaper is published in tabloid format. JM Madeira has a circulation of 5,000 copies.  It employs 39 editors.

European Newspaper of the Year, Category Regional Newspaper: el Periódico, Spain


el Periódico has a very clear layout, in which the large page titles at the start of the sections are particularly striking.

The front pages are always bold and focussed on one topic. The inside pages are very clear because the headline fonts clearly emphasise the main points.

The layout is varied with four and five-column grids. Inter-mediate lines and quotes break up long articles.

The typography is very modern, as it mostly uses Google Fonts are used, such as Merriweather Serif as the basic font and Inter and Lexia for headlines. This supports a cross-media design.

el Periódico, a particularly elegant and reader-friendly newspaper.

About the newspaper
el Periódico is published in Barcelona in tabloid format. The newspaper has a circulation of around 18,000 copies. There is one edition in Catalan and one in Spanish. In 2007, the newspaper was already honoured with the title ‘European Newspaper of the Year’. The newspaper employs 117 editors, 4 layout artists and 14 photographers.

European Newspaper of the Year, Category Nationwide Newspaper: Trouw, Netherlands

Jury Statement
The Trouw team knows how to present political topics in a very concise and reader-friendly way. The front page features a gripping visualisation and the cover story inside is often presented in a magazine layout.

Inside, many articles are presented in a reader-friendly way using supplementary boxes, quotes and small infographics. Elements of the magazine layout are also used: White space, Left-aligned typesetting for the body copy and a loose
arrangement of images are key words.

Trouw started the trend towards in-depth reporting years ago with the daily supplement ‘de Verdieping’. Topics are often set apart from the daily news flow. This leads to an unmistakable profile in terms of content and design.

Trouw: a role model for the European newspaper scene in terms of concept and design.

About the newspaper
Trouw is published in Amsterdam in tabloid format and has a circulation of 102,000 copies. The newspaper employs 109 editors, 1 art director, 13 layout artists, 4 photo editors and 3 cartographers.

Trouw also works with 42 freelance photographers in the Netherlands and 56 abroad, as well as 32 illustrators.

European Newspaper of the Year, Category weekly newspaper: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Germany

Jury Statement
The FAS is a weekly newspaper that creates a friendly, relaxed impression. This is due to four things:

1. political topics are presented visually very well.

2. sections such as Life, Feuilleton, Travel, Technology & Motor, Value & Living and Science provide a distinctive mix of topics that makes for relaxed consumption at the weekend.

3. illustrations, which are used very often, visualise many topics in a pointed but also friendly, relaxed way.

4. the choice of topics is often surprising and entices readers to take an interest in new topics.

Overall: The FAS presents a relaxed weekend read in terms of content and design.

About the newspaper
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung is published in Nordic format and has a circulation of approx. 180,000 copies. Around 70,000 of these are ePapers. The average usage time is 116 minutes.

F.A.S. and F.A.Z. have a joint editorial team with a total of 387 editors, 2 photographers and 8 layout artists. Illustrations are supplied by freelance illustrators depending on the topic.